Theatrical Agent:

Russ Rosensweig

Summit Entertainment Group

10 Potter Hill Dr, Guilford, CT 06437

(203) 453-0188


Paul : Mercurial Assistant 2005-2019

2023: As we start to make work again in these dark days and come to terms with post (?) pandemic life, the climate crisis, women’s rights to their own bodies, and the glaring reality of these United States for our BIPOC and LGBTQ+ communities, I’m trying to hold a glimmer of hope that white folks can step up (but also back!) and be better, or at the very least, not inflict so much direct and collateral damage; to create a new vision of “success.”

To not waste so damned much . To create a more equitable and inclusive workplace. To listen. To be kind. Let’s not give up.

2025: I don’t know what to say about today. We are living in the Upside Down. One foot in front of the other.


(917) 407-7072



I love every part of this work. If I had to pick, I guess my favorite phase of the process is drawing; when the possibilities are still limitless and not burdened by the realities of budget, crew, and time. 

I've drawn and painted for as long as I can remember.  Art was the only subject that truly held my interest in school.  As an undergrad I studied sculpture and worked in wood and metal - experiments based on the human figure.  I eventually became preoccupied with what the sculpture would "wear," and started working in costume shops to improve my sewing skills. I'm forever grateful to Jill Andrews and Baltimore Center Stage for introducing me to costume design.  As an intern at Center Stage I finally conceived of a future in the arts that didn't mean being isolated in a studio, or starving.  Design is a collaborative form where you work with directors with vision, cinematographers, playwrights, actors, tailors, dancers, puppeteers...I'm more suited to their company than a blank canvas. 

Eiko: Benevolent Princess 2019 - Present